The Canadian Centre for African Affairs and Policy Research is ​a non-partisan, policy analysis and research organization. ​Founded in 2022, and headquartered in Toronto, Canada, the ​fundamental objective of the Centre is the identification of ​shared goals, values and opportunities between Canada and ​the many emerging initiatives in Africa. The scope of such ​initiatives may be market based, humanitarian, academic, ​environmental or involve geopolitical analysis.

In essence, the Centre is dedicated to advancing strategic ​integration between Canada and a range of African ​stakeholders. The guiding principle is the full autonomy and ​respect for African initiatives and realities while forming ​alliances with Canadian stakeholders. This will be done by ​building networks and providing both analysis and research.

Furthermore, the Centre will share non-partisan expertise to a broad community of decision makers in Canada on critical policy issues for policymakers, private sector leaders, journalists, and academic institutions in Canada and Africa.

The Centre will strive to integrate the gap between scholarship and policy action, foster new inquiry, sponsor high-level public and private meetings among multiple stakeholders, and explore policy options to improve stronger long term relations between Canada and the continent of Africa.

"We have to change the frame in which Africa has been seen, there is such a great story to tell."

"We have to change the frame in which Africa has been seen, there is such a great story to tell."

Goldy Hyder,

President & ceo

Business Council of Canada

Speaker at the 2022 CANADA-AFRICA


The Centre is home to the Canada-​Africa Investment ​Annual Symposium. ​

The Symposium serves as a​ dedicated platform for fostering​ enhanced collaboration between​ Canadian and African markets. Our​ primary objective is to streamline​ the process of reducing the​ investment gap prevalent between​ the two regions. Distinguished by its​ high-level approach, the symposium​ brings together influential decision​-makers from both governmental and​ private sectors, along with thought​ leaders from Canada and various​ parts of the African continent.​

The upcoming event will be hosted​ in partnership with Preponderant​ Advisory on February 8, 2025, at the​ Munk School of Global Affairs &​ Public Policy, an institution within​ the University of Toronto renowned​ for its interdisciplinary research,​ academic excellence, and global​ outreach. Founded in 2010, the​ Munk School is dedicated to​ pioneering groundbreaking ideas​ aimed at addressing significant​ challenges confronting the global​ community.​

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Hon. Kelechi (Kaycee) Madu, KC, ECA

Former Cabinet Member & Deputy

Premier of Alberta

2024 Canada-Africa Investment Symposium ​Speaker



On February 7th 2024, our Executive Director Templar kalundu Iga joined leaders in the ​Canada-Africa relations space for a discussion initiated by Member of Parliament Arielle ​Kayabaga, and Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic ​Development on strengthening Canada-Africa trade ties.

July 10 / Canada-africa report

Canada, and African economic recovery was disrupted in 2022 by a number of internal and external factors: What does this mean for relations in the near future?

OCTOBER / toronto, Cape town , nairobi

In April 2023, our Canada-Africa Investment Symposium platform is excited to launch a series of private high level networking receptions in Canada, and across Africa. Established as a space to further expand the Canada-Africa trade and investment discourse, by exploring shared goals, values and opportunities between Canada and the continent of Africa through engagement and awareness of the major issues that concern the regions.

FEB / 2024 Canada africa Investment symposi​um

The half day high level symposium is part of the Toronto Global Forum's 2023 ​program, bringing together government and private sector decision-makers and ​thought leaders from across Canada and the African continent. Participants will ​have access to an established network, explore new business opportunities, ​meet potential partners, and forge new business relationships.

June 2024 / Kigali recept​ion

Join us for our by invite only pre-Symposium executive receptions which will offer you and your organization exclusive opportunities for business meetings aimed at promoting partnerships among major Canadian and African corporations.


We are thrilled to announce that our Executive Director, Templar Kalundu Iga has ​accepted an appointed as a Senior Fellow at the prestigious Munk School of ​Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto.

August 2024 / TOR​ONTO

Together will Miller Thomson LLP, and Preponderant Advisory, we are hosting​ a private networking reception focused on exploring Ontario's critical minera​ls strategy and the crucial role Africa can play in our economic revitalization a​nd prosperit​y.

PUBLICATIONS / Research / Briefings

The Centre publishes a series of works; The Canada Africa Report, Current African Issues, Papers, Commentaries and Policy Notes/Briefs. The publications are available through open access and print on demand.

The Centre conducts extensive research in Africa. The research is distributed to academics, policymakers and the general public in Canada, Africa and internationally.

And for senior political leaders and executives working on African relate issues, the Centre independently and in collaboration develops bespoke briefings.


"It is critical for Canada to engage in a conversation that our G7 peers are already established in."

Templar Kalundu Iga

Chairperson, Canadian Centre For African Affairs & Policy Research

Our Network

The Centre works with Canadian and African ​organizations to foster enduring inter-regional ​partnerships. Our aim is to facilitate and cultivate ​long lasting relations that benefit both Canada, ​and Africa.

Canada-Africa Policy ​newsletter

The Canada-Africa Policy is a news and analysis newsletter curated by the Canadian Centre for ​African Affairs and Policy Research. With the collaborative efforts of accomplished experts, ​academics, and thought leaders, this newsletter embodies the culmination of their collective ​experience.

Launched 06/23

Contact Information


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